January 27, 2021

TO-220 Buck

Swap out your LDO for a switcher today, with these designs for a modern take on the TO-220 mounted LM1117 and 78xx series LDO regulators.

Checkout Tom Fleet's Article on Hackster.io Check out Drew Fustini's article at OSHPark
Thanks to @BenSommerf for these photos!

This project is my take on a quick and easy replacement for the 3-pin LDO. The aim is to replace TO-220 linear regulators with a switching converter, in pursuit of higher efficiencies and current capacity.

Using a Recom RPX series DC-DC module for its small size and incorporating SMD feedback resistors and bulk capacitance on board allows for a drop-in replacement to existing LDO designs, while remaining in the same overall footprint as the counterpart.

As LM1117 LDOs have a different pinout to the 78xx series of regulators, I designed two versions of the layout.

The specifications are:
- 1A Buck Converter (Can be swapped for a 1.5A module)
- LM1117 and 78xx compatible versions
- 4 - 36V input range
- 0.8 - 30V output range
- 15 x 10 x 2.2 mm dimensions

Star the Repo on GitHub Thanks to Ben for the photos!